Danebank Anglican School For Girls

Danebank is a leading girls school with outstanding academic results and a proven record.

Since small beginnings in 1933, Danebank has developed in every way:
- Academic results are outstanding with Danebank rated as the best non-selective school in the St George and Sutherland Shire districts;
- The school population has grown from small beginnings with five students in 1933, to 950 students today from Prep (pre-school) to Year 12;
- The campus has expanded so that today it is an impressive environment spanning between Park Road and The Avenue, Hurstville;
- State-of-the-art facilities and equipment support learning programmes.

Danebank is a member of the Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation which supports Anglican education and ensures Danebank’s strong financial position. The school is administered by a School Council which numbers amongst its members representatives of the Corporation, the Anglican Synod, highly qualified educators and experienced members of the business community.
